글로벌 자동차 업계 수천 명에 신뢰를 받아 배포되었습니다

글로벌 자동차 업계 수천 명에 신뢰를 받아 배포되었습니다

Why attend?

Why attend?

Why attend?

  1. Transform Your Workday: Easy Incident Reporting & Handovers
    Powered by AI
    : The RealWear Navigator Z1 is designed to prioritize the safety of your frontline workers. With its hands-free operation, AI capabilities and rugged build, your team can navigate hazardous environments without compromising on safety or efficiency.

  2. Enhanced Productivity: Say goodbye to cumbersome devices and inefficient workflows. The RealWear Navigator Z1 empowers your team with instant access to critical information, enabling them to complete tasks more efficiently and accurately.

  3. Explore Use Cases: From manufacturing and construction to field services and beyond, the RealWear Navigator Z1 is versatile enough to meet the unique demands of various industries. Discover how it can streamline operations and drive results for your business.

  4. Positive Impact on Your Business: By investing in RealWear, you're not just investing in a product; you're investing in the future success of your business. Join us to learn how RealWear can help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve your goals.

Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action

솔루션 전문가에게 말씀해보세요

솔루션 전문가에게 말씀해보세요

주도하는 무료 솔루션으로 자동차 검사와 감사를 혁신하다

주도하는 무료 솔루션으로 자동차 검사와 감사를 혁신하다

실험 및 검사에 대한 새로운 기준을 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 솔루션 스위트를 통해 설정하세요. RealWear를 통해 귀하의 운영을 현대화하고 개선하여 더 효율적이고 정확한 운영을 가능하게 합니다.

Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action
Navigator Z1 In Action